Saturday, July 25, 2009


'LISTEN' .. so close yet so far ...
ktorg xcited gler nk wat event ni ...
tp ade je hal ... so kne delay byk kl ...
architalk ....archisport....ntah bl ntah nk wat sume 2 ...
i hope diz H1N1 b gone very soon ...its making us losing precious time ...
so my frenz ...b patient k .. i know we'll make it through sumhow ..
long live AK-47

'GIFT' from god ..

xtau nk hepy ke x bl dpt cuti ni ...
i should b hepy rite ??
tp sumthng doesnt feel rite la ...
dun know what there is sumthng ..
tkt gak bl dgr H1N1 dh merebak 1 negare..
uitm sume ttp ...
uni lain tgu mse je ..
Allah bg 'GIFT' ni kat kite mst ad sbb ..
tp ad sum people yg wat xendah je psl ni ...
we hav 2 take it serious ..
soon akn ad org yg akn mati psl ni ..
mle2 1 ..pas2 2 ...n then ribu2 org ...
damn... its 2 late la klau nk wat ape2 mse 2 ...
so dun taje diz lightly ...
prevention is bttr then cure...: )

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

indonesia architecture.. karya tower

an interesting piece of architecture ... an eye catcher ..

Menara Karya is a 26-story, commercial office development, located in Jakarta’s prestigious ‘Golden Triangle’, the heart of Indonesia’s commercial and financial district. It also forms the next phase to Menara Kadin, already a premier address in the city’s business community.

Project Details..

Total Area -- Square feet : 561,880 SF. it have 26 levels above grade and 4 levels below grade basement parking ..Height of this interesting building is 126.5 M ... and the total cost is USD $26,540,000

The exterior of the building has been sculpted in an angular, chiseled form, juz like an abstract diamond. This creates a powerful, unique profile for the tower which sets it apart from the casual forms on the Jakarta skyline.

the building exterior is made out of glass..
The building skin addresses the current issues of sustainability.

The glass skin of energy efficient vision of the architect furthermore
The glass skin maximizes day-lighting in the workplace , maximize workplace using natural light

and minimizing the energy usage ..
the exterior also emphasize the opposing facets of a diamond to give more life into the jakarta skyline.

with all its characteristic surely it will send the right signals for any progressive corporation and further development in indonesia.

the responsible and visionary architect :-
Arquitectonica801 Brickell Avenue Suite 1100Miami, Florida 33131



Ahmad Syauqi Firdaus b Zahid ..(chenta)
100-80 years old = my age .. do your own math....
K.L-ian ..

i describe my self as a cheerful , easy going n free spirited ...
my choice of music is rock... sumtime screamo .. seldomly 'jiwang' songs (WHEN NOT IN MOOD)
intrstd in d art of photogrphy (love d camera n d camera loves me 2)..
like drwng , sketches , but no so much in coloring ..still exploring ..
not a picky eater..i eat what i want , when i want , n where i want..
gf ???? defenitely a NO-NO 4 me ...perhaps at d moment ..
stdy comes 1st lah..('poyo lak') .. may b in d future n when i meet d ms.right.: )

currently stdyng
Architecture at UiTM perak.
used 2 stdy at UTM kl ...mechanical engineering ( aeronautik)
why i choose architecture ??????????
i like freedomness of d subject...n eager 2 explore d subject ...
my life is diffrnt nw as an architecture student n i cn really see d diffrnt btween architecture life style n d engineering ...
hope my interest in d subject will grow ... ...