Tuesday, July 14, 2009



Ahmad Syauqi Firdaus b Zahid ..(chenta)
100-80 years old = my age .. do your own math....
K.L-ian ..

i describe my self as a cheerful , easy going n free spirited ...
my choice of music is rock... sumtime screamo .. seldomly 'jiwang' songs (WHEN NOT IN MOOD)
intrstd in d art of photogrphy (love d camera n d camera loves me 2)..
like drwng , sketches , but no so much in coloring ..still exploring ..
not a picky eater..i eat what i want , when i want , n where i want..
gf ???? defenitely a NO-NO 4 me ...perhaps at d moment ..
stdy comes 1st lah..('poyo lak') .. may b in d future n when i meet d ms.right.: )

currently stdyng
Architecture at UiTM perak.
used 2 stdy at UTM kl ...mechanical engineering ( aeronautik)
why i choose architecture ??????????
i like freedomness of d subject...n eager 2 explore d subject ...
my life is diffrnt nw as an architecture student n i cn really see d diffrnt btween architecture life style n d engineering ...
hope my interest in d subject will grow ... ...

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